Westland survival tips and tricks 2020
Westland survival tips and tricks 2020

westland survival tips and tricks 2020

If you sneak attack an enemy you'll do double damage. For example, if you have a weapon that does 20 damage and you put 5 upgrade points into strength, you'll do 25 damage to the enemy. Strength determines how much extra damage you do with melee weapons and certain guns. Here's a list of skills and what they do: After you have at least 1 upgrade point, choose which skill you want to upgrade. To upgrade your skills, you must level up at least once to get an upgrade point. Skills are things that determine how much extra damage you do with weapons, what animals you can befriend ect. Hi there! You want to know what stats you should upgrade first? Want to know how to upgrade your walls? Have questions about AI and other players? Want to know other stuff? This guide is for you! Any threads/posts that link to or provide examples of hacks, macros, piracy, or "apks" will be deleted and the posters will be banned.

westland survival tips and tricks 2020

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    Westland survival tips and tricks 2020