He arrives at her apartment, smoking, drinking, and toting a weapon. Erwin Martin, the mild-mannered head of the filing department, despises his new boss, so he plots to kill her. “The Cat Bird Seat” by James Thurber – Mr. The Short Stories for Teaching Characterization bundle contains five complete short story units with common core aligned lesson plans, graphic organizers with answer keys, summaries, analyses, quizzes with answer keys, essays with grading rubrics, and more. Teaching Billy Budd–be forewarned–is difficult, even with high level students, but it is worth the effort. Notice how the narrator describes the effect Billy has on his crew more than he actually describes Billy. “Billy Budd” by Herman Melville – The narrator says of Billy Budd, “my forecastle was a rat-pit of quarrels…But Billy came, and it was like a Catholic priest striking peace in an Irish shindy…a virtue went out of him, sugaring the sour ones…Anybody will do anything for Billy Budd and it’s the happy family here” (433). Following is a list of short stories with excellent examples of characterization. The character development in short stories requires conciseness and clarity. Short story writers do not have the luxury that novel writers have in regards to character development. List of Short Stories for Teaching Characterization It can be used with a novel, a short story with multiple characters, or multiple short stories. I created a Characterization Chart with Microsoft Word. Label the columns with the aforementioned ways to develop a character. In the left column, write the character’s name. As you read a literary work, instruct students to fill out a chart.Discuss the four ways an author develops characters: (1) direct description (2) character’s actions (3) character’s words and thoughts (4) other characters’ words and thoughts.Here’s a good characterization lesson plan you can use with any of the short stories listed and many not listed.

Use them to teach literature or as a template for creative writing. The following short stories provide excellent examples of characterization.